Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Thursday 13th December

Well this week was our last session of Artclub for this half term.

All the "bits" needed painting for our big painting of Cinderella's kitchen. These will be cut out and added on to the background.

To complete the Butterflies and Dragonflies project we needed to paint a background and flowers.  On to this some of the more robust saltdough models we made earlier in the half term, have been stuck.  This I have just assembled up at Children's Centre this evening and it looks fabulous.

The large models we have made are now at the Children's Centre and will be displayed over Christmas. We have a date planned for our Artclubbers to bring their family and friends to see them.  It is on Thursday 17th January at 3.45pm.

We look forward to seeing you there.

A huge thankyou to all you KS 1 artists who have been so enthusiastic to try all the things we do, whether it's inside, outside, painting, drawing, making have been amazing........!

Monday, 10 December 2012

Thursday 6th December

This week we continued with our scenery for the Drama Club's production.

We had a beanstalk to construct. We cut our painted fabric into strips, stapled the edges together and stuffed them with scrunched up newspaper.

This will be built in the school hall just before the production in January.

We painted the leaves to add to the beanstalk's stem.

Whilst some of us worked on this, others were busy painting the backdrop which is Cinderella's kitchen.

We printed the brickwork for the old-fashioned cooker, painted the dresser, table, ceiling and window.

Next week is our last Artclub for Key Stage 1. We will be completing the Cinderella painting and creating a background on which we will display the fabulous salt dough butterflies and dragonflies we made earlier in the term.  This will be put up in the Children's Centre to accompany the large scale models we have been making for their community room.


Thursday, 29 November 2012

Thursday 29th November

Well we like to be ambitious in Artclub!  This week we had two massive paintings taking over the floor of Nursery.

They are both for the Drama Club's Christmas production.  The first is a backdrop of Cinderella's kitchen. 

We used sponges and paint to cover vast areas of fabric.

We concentrated on filling in the floor and the walls of Cinderella's kitchen with colour.

Meanwhile the fabric was being painted that will make the beanstalk.  Using big paintbrushes and sponges to create texture we painted it green.

Next week we will construct the beanstalk and continue with our painting.

Sunday, 25 November 2012

Thursday 22nd November

At Artclub we completed our models of butterflies and dragonflies!  These have been made to hang from the ceiling in one of the community rooms at the Children's Centre in Lofthouse.

The finished pieces look splendid.

We have created faces for each of the models and then made them look extra special by adding lots of glitter and sequins which will sparkle as they catch the light.

We are excited to see them in the place they are designed for and I will be contacting the Children's Centre to let them know they are ready to be displayed. 
I am sure they will look fabulous "flying" around the room and we will arrange a date to go and see them there.

Next week we will be moving on to a new project.  The Drama Club have asked if we will paint a backdrop for their Christmas pantomime.  This will involve big painting and some construction as I believe there is a massive beanstalk to make...

Thursday, 15 November 2012

Thursday 15th November

Today at Artclub we added detail to our models.

The dragonflies were decorated with a squared, lined theme.........

whilst the butterflies had a more circular theme..........
There were a large variety of colours to choose from and we each selected those we felt best suited our model.

There were a variety of textures to choose from, from sequinned fabrics to hand-made felted wool.

We will finish the models next week, adding beads, glitter and creating their faces.


Thursday, 8 November 2012

Thursday 8th November

Today at Artclub we drew around our models we have made. We drew over the outline in marker pen so that we had a really clear shape in which to design the patterns for the dragonflies and butterflies.

We will be putting the patterns on next week.

Each model needed another coat of paint, so we set to it.


Next week we will be adding detail to the models - so there will be lots of sticking to do!


Thursday, 25 October 2012

Thursday 25th October

Today we continued working on our large scale sculptures of dragonflies and butterflies. 


The Artclub were asked to make some butterflies for one of the community rooms at the Children's Centre in Lofthouse.  We asked if we could add to the butterfly idea by designing and making dragonflies too, to which they agreed. 

Working in our pairs we painted our sculptures.  We chose which colours we wanted and then just got on with it. 

We chose contrasting colours for the bodies. 

We will be adding pattern and texture to the sculptures and I am excited to think of how unique each piece will become.

When we return after half term we will be designing our finished pattern before completing our pieces. 

Thursday, 18 October 2012

Thursday 18th October

Today we made the most of the Autumn sunshine by being outside for Artclub.

We paper mached the models we made last week.  Again we worked in our pairs and glued and stuck our models. 

Next week we will be applying a layer of white paper over the newsprint so that we can successfully paint the models light colours if we wish.

They are looking terrific already.  We cannot wait until they are ready to paint.

Thursday, 11 October 2012

Thursday 11th October

Today at Artclub we started to make our sculptures of butterflies and dragonflies.  When they are finished they will be on display in one of the community rooms at the Children's Centre in Lofthouse.

We worked in pairs and we chose whether we wanted to make a butterfly or a dragonfly.

We used plastic bags and stuffed them with newspaper to create the shapes we needed and then we wrapped masking tape or sticky tape around the shape to reinforce them.

The butterfly heads were made in the same way and attached to the body, then too, were the wings.

The dragonflies had long skinny bodies and their wings needed to be ultra thin.  We strengthened card and drew the wings.  These we then attached to the bodies.

Can I say how enthusiastic everybody was making these and Mrs Mistry and myself are amazed at the sculptures that have been made.  Next week we will be paper macheing so please remember to bring an art shirt to protect your uniform.

Thursday, 4 October 2012

Thursday 4th October

At Artclub today we made the most of the beautiful weather and painted outdoors.

We worked in two groups.  The first group experimented with mixing colours.  We started with our primary colours (red, blue and yellow) and combining two of these colours, mixed our secondary colours (green, orange, purple). We added white to lighten some of the colours and painted all our colours on to cut-out shapes that will make up a giant collaborative butterfly.  We made some lovely colours and we invented names for them, such as "Chocolate Brownie", "Sunset Orange", "Pinky Pink" and there truly was a "Sky Blue Pink"! We had great fun and could not resist mixing all the colours together which resulted in a purply brown.

The other group painted their salt - dough models made last week.  These were  butterflies or dragonflies. We used some lovely bright colours and lots of glitter. We then added some sequins to decorate them, remembering to keep the pattern symmetrical.
Half way through the the session we swapped over, so we had a turn at both activities.
Here are our fabulous creations.  Hope you like them.