Thursday, 23 May 2013

Thursday 23rd May

Today we continued to work on our fruit paintings.  We collaged different sized squares of fabric on to the paintings to create a mosaic effect.

We reminded ourselves of the children's book "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" and it's fabulous illustrations of the fruit - and how there are unexpected colours put next to eachother.

Each of us chose to decorate different parts of the fruit, making each one individual. This will add to the overall effect when the fruits are placed together in one hanging.  I am sure you will agree they are already looking great!

After half term we will be collaging on to the backgrounds in the same way as the fruits.

I cannot wait to see the fruits displayed on their glamorous backgrounds of silver, gold and cream.

We look forward to seeing you after half term.

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Thursday 16th May

Well it was a quiet Artclub this week with half of the pupils away on Residential! Needless to say those of us who were here cracked on with the next stage of the wall hangings for Stanhope Community Centre.

We took advantage of the beautiful weather and set up our painting areas outside.  We painted the backgrounds of the hangings after discussing what colours we felt would look best with the fruit collages we were putting on them. The apple background was painted pale gold, the pears background painted silver, the plums - gold, whilst the strawberries and oranges both had cream backgrounds chosen for them.

All were encouraged to enjoy the paint and use big brushstrokes to create lines, brush strokes and texture.  We will be working into these areas with collage.

One of the owls came to visit us, and we took it in turns to help Mrs. Chin stick pom-poms on to make it's wings. We were looking which colours looked good next to each other, whether a solid colour and a patterned pom-pom looked good next to eachother and then, how different textures could be put next to eachother to compliment each of them.

Thanks for all your help guys, I think this owl is looking good!  Next Thursday we will be building up layers of collage onto our fruit paintings.

Thursday, 9 May 2013

Thursday 9th May

Today at Artclub we painted the pictures of fruit for the wall paintings we are creating for Stanhope Community Centre.

First we looked at the oil pastel drawings we did last week of fruit to remind us of the glorious colours we saw.  Then we drew out the outlines of the fruit on to white fabric.

We were working in groups of three or four and together decided which colours to use in the paintings. 

Everyone was encouraged to paint the fruit with bold brush strokes as we really wanted to create vibrant colours and a sense of movement.

We had to be speedy but that helped us to not over work the paintings and we have had some splendid results.

Next week we will be concentrating on the backgrounds.

Take a look at the paintings drying...


Thursday, 2 May 2013

Thursday 2nd May

Today at Artclub we worked both inside and out, making the most of the beautiful weather.  Outside, we painted the owls in white, which will be the colour underneath the pom-poms. We worked in groups of four, and if you did not get a chance to paint them this week, you will be able to work first on them next week.

The main activity this week was still-life drawing.  There were several different fruits to choose from - apples, pears, plums, strawberries and oranges and our brief was to draw them in oil pastel. This we did looking very closely at the fantastic colours that could be seen in the fruits.

We looked at the children's book "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" and how the illustrator had depicted the fruits in the story.  We were trying to use colours that we may not necessarily have thought as obvious, such as browns in the shadows at the bottom of the pears, yellow in the strawberries and blue in the plums.

The Artclub have been asked to produce some artwork for the community centre in Stanhope which Mrs. Mistry and myself are excited about.  As the centre hosts a breakfast club for toddlers we will be making some large mixed media artwork for their walls based on the story of "The Very Hungry Caterpillar", as the caterpillar eats some lovely healthy food at the beginning of his journey.

Next week we will be using paint to recreate our oil pastel drawings on a large scale, so please remember to bring in an old shirt or top to wear over your school uniform.  We will also be continuing with our owls.