Monday 10 March 2014

The Big Draw in Nursery

In Nursery we were challenged to draw a caterpillar, which would be displayed in the hall in our Big Draw exhibition the following day.

Our caterpillar was massive!  We drew lots of colourful lines on to it with strips cut from plastic bags, plastic straws and bottle tops.

We laid down different colours next to eachother to make it fun and also in different directions to create a 3d effect with movement.

It was very gluey - would it be dry in time?...

We were the first class to visit the hall to draw on the giant "green grass" floor.

We all got stuck into drawing mini-beasts, fish, flowers - whatever we were inspired to.

Back in class, we got to draw patterns on to butterfly shapes which we then decorated with sparkles.

Then, we each coloured in a handprint which was later cut out and made into trees. These butterflies and trees were displayed in the Big Draw exhibition.

Lastly, we drew mini-beasts on to buns with icing, icing pens and sweets.  Anyone hungry?

On Tuesday afternoon we took our mums, dads, grandparents, childminders and so on to the Big Draw exhibition to show them the unique things we had drawn.

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