Thursday 27 September 2012

Thursday 27th September

Today we made models of butterflies and dragonflies from salt dough and worked on our symmetrical drawings continued from last week.

We are developing our knowledge of butterflies and dragonflies and practising our skills to make our big sculptures for one of the Community Rooms at the Children's Centre, Lofthouse.


We were thinking how a butterfly and dragonfly look in three dimensions.


We would have loved to have studied some real ones but instead we looked at images of real-life sculptures of butterflies and dragonflies made by artists.

Some of us chose to make butterflies and others, dragonflies.  We all appreciated that their bodies needed to be rounded, but the salt dough proved sticky and we just could not get the angle of the wings we were looking for, to imitate flight.

When we build our big sculptures we will paper mache the bodies and experiment with wire and card to create the wings.  How exciting!

The models are now drying out and next week we will paint and decorate them using the skills of creating symmetry we practised last week.

We will also have some big painting going on outside in Nursery's playground under the canopy.

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